Our Teachers
Expert Teachers, With a Passion For Their Subjects,
A Demonstrated Love of Working With Children—And Great Individuals
At Little Gems Montessori Nursery we understand that excellent, motivated teachers are critical to delivering our unique program each and every day. We hire and develop Passionate Professionals to deliver the excellent education you have come to expect from Little Gems.
We have developed a clear approach to hiring: we don’t rely merely on teaching credentials, but instead hire to our own standards. Our preschool Montessori teachers have invested in a 3 year long training course offered by a international credential and accrediting association, such as Montessori Centre International (MCI), UK, in addition to holding degrees in higher education. All of our teachers are people who have demonstrated a love of working with children, and who are great individuals themselves—that is, honest, high-minded adults who can model upstanding character, and a passion for life.
To help our teachers and administrators meet our high standards, we extend our “prepared environment” approach to our staff: in contrast to many schools, where teachers are predominantly on their own in determining what to teach and how teach it, we provide systematic training, feedback and development to each staff member. We invest in training, sometimes for a number of years, before we expect teachers to take on a full class load. For example, in our Montessori program, we keep additional trained teachers on staff who learn under the guidance of our head teachers and Heads of Schools until they are ready to take on a class of their own. Our training never stops: teachers continue to observe other classes and have other teachers observe theirs; they participate in regular development and training sessions attended by all of our academic staff.
The goal of our hiring, training and communications systems throughout is to enable each teacher to consistently offer their best to your child, so that the quality of your child’s education meets our high standards each and every day.